How Much CBD Oil to Take? Find Out Now!

Jun 6, 2018CBD Oil For Beginners

how much cbd oil to take

One of the most common questions we get asked is: How much CBD oil to take?

We wish there was a straightforward answer to this question. As is the case with many things in life, it depends.

If you’re into nutrition, you’ll know your friend’s way of eating won’t necessarily work for you. Similarly, your friend might not be into the types of workouts you love doing.

That’s because every person and all bodies are different. The amount of CBD one needs varies just as much as your nutrition and workout habits. When you’re trying to figure out how much CBD oil you should be taking, there are a few things you need to consider.


1. Your Desired Effect

What results are you wanting to get from your CBD? Different goals will require different amounts. If you’re looking for pain management or looking for relief from more of a severe condition like epilepsy, you’ll find that a higher dose of CBD may yield better results.

Conversely, if you’re looking to manage your anxiety, stay more focused at work, and feel better able to manage the typical day-to-day stressors of life, a lower dosage may work better in comparison to those dealing with chronic ailments.


2. The Type of the Product

Another thing you’ll want to consider is how you’re ingesting your CBD. CBD products come in many different forms, from tablets to oils to topicals (we also recently discovered vaginal steaming herbs infused with CBD). Each form of consumption has varying levels of absorption.

One problem we commonly see among people who are experiencing high levels of stress is a compromised digestive system. When your body is in a chronic state of stress, as many of us are, your body isn’t able to extract all the nutrients it needs from the food you are consuming.

Because of this, if you’re taking CBD in tablet form, you might not be absorbing the full amount. For example, if the tablet contains 10 grams, there’s a chance you’re really only absorbing and utilizing 5 grams.

Consuming CBD in oil form sublingually, or under the tongue, allows CBD to get absorbed effectively and quickly. There are many tiny blood vessels under your tongue that allow CBD to get delivered directly to the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, resulting in maximum absorption.


3. The Concentration of the Product

When determining how much CBD you should take, you’ll also want to consider the concentration of the product. Various oils, pills, and topicals have various concentrations of CBD, some of them substantially higher, and others substantially lower. Look at the overall concentration of CBD within the entire product, then consider the suggested dose and how much CBD you’re actually getting within each dose.

Unless you are taking a tablet, it’s usually not the right dose for you. In some products like certain creams, patches, or edibles there is no information about the total amount of CBD in the product. I wouldn’t recommend using those products for obvious reasons.

In order to help you calculate the amount of CBD in ICARIA’s CBD oils, we have created simple charts that you can use depending on which bottle you purchase.

aphrodite-500mg-dosage    aphrodite-1500mg-dosage    theia-light-dosage    theia-dosage    harmonia-dosage


4. The Quality of the Product

The cannabis industry is still poorly regulated right now due to the legalization process. For that reason, there are a lot of products on the market that are of poor quality and will bring you little to no results. We’ve heard reviews from our customers saying that they are taking high doses and feel nothing from other brands. So before you buy from anyone, you need to ensure that they are a reliable source that you can trust. You can read ICARIA’s CBD oil reviews here and view third-party lab tests on the product page. ICARIA’s CBD oil is made in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.


Figure it Out for Yourself

One of the best ways to figure out how much CBD you should be taking is to experiment. Start with a small dose. If you’re consuming ICARIA’s CBD oils, begin with 5-10 drops. Hold the oil under your tongue for at least 90 seconds, and then wait 20-30 mins to see if you feel the desired effect. If so, then it’s a good dose for you, if not, repeat the process as many times as needed.

To help you record the dosage you are taking and the effect it has on you we have created Dose Journal that you can DOWNLOAD HERE.

Figuring out how much CBD oil you should be taking can take some time. For some days or at certain times of the day, you might need a higher or lower dose. Through this process, you will be able to become much more conscious of how you are feeling on a daily basis, both physically and mentally.

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